Crochet Mochi from Waffles and Mochi
Amigurumis, Free Patterns

A Crocheted Mochi

Remember your favourite shows when you were a kid? Ah, fond memories. I wonder how many were actually super annoying for our parents to watch with us? (I'm looking at you, Barney and Caillou.) I was fortunate enough to grow up with such Canadian classics as Fred Penner, Mr. Dressup, Polka Dot Door, Today's Special… Continue reading A Crocheted Mochi

Amigurumis, Current Projects, Geekery

A New (Porg) Hope

I try to keep my ear to the ground for any Star Wars related news, so when this behind-the-scenes video was released for the new Star Wars movie, I was over the moon. I've watched it several times and paused it in multiple places to try and get a better look at all of the… Continue reading A New (Porg) Hope

Totoro Pattern Scribbles
Amigurumis, Free Patterns

A Totoro Pattern

Woah, my desk is a mess. Although, maybe I prefer calling it 'controlled chaos', for, even though it is piled high with craft/school/financial/amigurumis/sewing  machine/garbage/other random stuff, I still managed to find some partially finished scribbles of my Totoro pattern that I started a year and a half ago. Woot! (Random pattern scribbles complete with genuine… Continue reading A Totoro Pattern

Snowman Amigurumi 2
Amigurumis, Current Projects

Snowman Pattern!

Here is my newest amigurumi pattern: the Snowman! He and I had a photoshoot the other day. (Aside: I realized that I need a new bristol board backdrop. Apparently, it can only take so much of Boo climbing all over it.) I'm really liking this snowman. I've already made another one to give away for… Continue reading Snowman Pattern!

Secret Gift Pineapple Motif
Amigurumis, Around the House, Current Projects

Christmas Crafty Prep

This week I started back to regular teacher's ed classes ... and I'm kinda bummed because I miss my students. Of the other people I've talked to, they feel exactly the same. We're all just counting the days until our next in-class placement. The only upside is that I've had some of my free time… Continue reading Christmas Crafty Prep

Amigurumi Hippo1
Amigurumis, Current Projects


It's the return of the hippo! Almost one year ago to the day, I posted about an amigurumi hippo that I made as a special request for someone. In that post, I said: "I must remember to write down the pattern for the head because I may want to make this little guy another time…"… Continue reading Hippo-mo-potamus